Hi, I’m Brad from Element Plumbing & Gas. You’ve probably stumbled upon this blog post because there is no hot water in your family home. Below are some possible causes for those horrible cold showers you’re having to endure like the lady above. ?
No Hot Water? Try these steps below:
1. Pilot light: If you use a gas hot water system, check to see that the pilot light hasn’t been blown out. The pilot light can blow out on windy days, no matter the time of year. Typically, your gas hot water system will have a little glass window that you should be able to see a flickering flame through. If not, it’s most likely your pilot light needs to be re-lit. Your water heater should have instructions on how to re-ignite the pilot flame, if not, we are happy to help you get through your ‘no hot water’ predicament.
2. Check your meter box safety switches: If you use an electric hot water system, it’s worth checking to see if a safety switch in your meter box has been tripped. If a short circuit is detected, the safety switch will switch off the appliance. If you have no hot water, open your meter box and check to see if one of your safety switches has been activated, the flick it back to its usual position.
3. Call Element Plumbing & Gas: If the two steps above don’t work and you still have no hot water to your shower (or kitchen sink for that matter), call us now. We carry out hot water repairs and also hot water installation Perth householders can call upon if a new hot water system is needed.
My expert team and I can get your hot water working again.
No Hot Water? Contact Element Plumbing & Gas
If you have no hot water, or if you think your hot water system has passed its use-by date, contact us today for hot water repairs. Hot water installation Perth locals can rely on.
Contact us today, we can’t wait to help you out.