This septic tank system was installed because the property is located in a division of Two Rocks that is not connected to the Water Corporation sewer.
Properties located in hilly and rocky coastal regions are not typically connected to the sewerage network.
Having said that, City Beach has recently been connected to deep sewer. As a result, Element Plumbing & Gas provide sewer conversions Perth and City Beach residents can rely on.
Prior to commencing the project, it was a requirement that we lodge a notice of intention to the Plumbers Licencing Board and seek approval from the local shire. This includes providing a detailed drawing of the proposed installation such as design, materials being used and sizing to suit the structure it’s servicing, be it a house, hotel or commercial building.
These septic type projects need to be signed off by the Health Department. Upon completion, we arranged for a health inspector from the local shire to come out and inspect the new septic tank installation and sign off before usage.
There is a great importance and reasoning behind engaging a licensed plumber to complete septic tank installation. It’s vital that the end solution satisfies Australian standards.
The final step was to lodge a notice of completion with an “as constructed” drawing, demonstrating that the end solution complies to Australian standards.
Completed August 2017
2 days
Septic system